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A Day for Veterans.

For some reason, when a name is carved into polished rock it takes on a greater meaning.
This particular name, “Brian L. Buker” is one of many etched into a wall. One of approximately 58,286 names.
You will find this name on a bridge just a couple miles from our farm.
You will see his name on display at the local high school where he was once a boy sitting at a desk.
“For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action at the risk of life above and beyond the call of duty” Sgt. Buker, Detachment B-55, 5th Special Forces Group, 1st Special Forces, U.S. Army has left behind, on display with his name, a small token of a grateful nation tethered to perhaps the dearest yardage of blue grosgrain ribbon our country has to offer. As a Medal of Honor recipient Buker represents the finest our small towns & big cities have to offer at the times when our nation and the world need them most.
You will not find his name on the local Elementary School in the town in which he grew up. That is a pity. And a damn near shame.
So on this eleventh day of the eleventh month we pause to remember all who have served; those still with us and those who are not; some whose names are on signs and some whose names are forgotten. We may forget their names but we cannot forget their sacrifice and duty.

On a wall with 58,286 names etched in blood and honour I sought out the name “Brian L. Buker” on a bitter cold March day.

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