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Deere Dad.

Deere Dad.

Years ago I wrote my dad a note on his birthday and then when I wanted to write another one for Father’s Day I wanted to tell him all the same things, all over again. I thought about those notes again today and of course I thought of my dad. And not just him, but all the folks out there who take up the reins, grab the wheel, and hang on for dear life to raise up the children around them. The one you can hitch your wagon to. The one who leads you where you need to go. The one who shows you how to hitch your own damn wagon. 
They may not be your dad but they raised you. They may not be here still, but they guide you. It may not have always been perfect, but it was always perfectly okay because the ones we trust, and the ones who trust us to learn are the ones we celebrate. 
So for those with us, for those who have left us, for those who stepped up, for those who stumbled and those who never wavered, Happy Father’s Day. 

Deere Dad,

I was lucky enough to be able to hitch my wagon to a good tractor and a capable driver the day I was born.

That capable driver taught me all the important things: right, left and wrong; green and yellow; rabbit and turtle; the difference between forward and drive, and horsepower and hard work; and he taught me when to hitch your wagon and when to take the wheel.

Thank you Dad, you’ve been more than a capable driver.

Happy Father’s Day.

Your Deere Daughter

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